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Imagine, being able to generate new sales, new customers and get meetings with new prospects for your business almost at will.
Imagine, sitting down at your computer and emerging just a few minutes later with a complete marketing campaign, a compelling offer, a brilliant piece of sales copy and all of your follow-up emails written and ready to go.
Better still, imagine, never feeling the stress of having to meet payroll or the next VAT bill ever again...
With The Game Changer – you can do all this and more!
It’s unlike ANYTHING the Entrepreneurs Circle has ever made public before. It’s not about learning, it’s not about teaching (and most of it has NEVER been made public before...).
We’ve taken our BEST marketing campaigns from the past 14 years... the same campaigns we’ve used to sell over £70,000,000 of products and services, to grow NINE million pound businesses from scratch...
...and we’ve templated them for YOU to use in YOUR business.
Yes, there’s email templates, but there’s also letters, direct mail, Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Messages... everything you need for almost every ‘medium’ to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve!
These templates make implementing a successful marketing campaign in your business SUPER SIMPLE. Just choose the template from the list that best suits your needs, download it, amend it and then send it. That’s it.
...there are TEMPLATES for that!
£5,000 from ONE email!
I sent one email from The Game Changer to my small list. It took literally one minute to fill in the blanks on the template and in just 3 hours I'd had over 150 replies from people! My emails never get replies!
A week later that ONE email has turned into £5,000 of new sales. That's more than I'd normally generate in a whole month!
And that's just one email in one of the campaigns! I'm soooo excited!!
Dana Burton, Goodfayre
Everything you could ever want!
The EC Game Changer is brilliant - if you haven't already got it, go and get it now! Right from the word go, there is lots of practical stuff to implement for some easy BIG wins, tons and tons of brilliant content (videos, demos, templates) and it is all laid out in a really user friendly way - pretty much everything you could possibly want!
Prue Deane, Accountancy Learning Ltd
The ‘Prime Minister’ campaign – businesses that have used this campaign have consistently got meetings with 20% of people they sent it to – so send 10, get 2 meetings – it’s the ‘rhythmic acquisition of meetings’ that you’ve been searching for...
The ‘LinkedIn Email’ – the same template we’ve used to turn LinkedIn from a tool of procrastination, into a money making machine...
The ‘Special Promotion’ PR template – which you can deploy to get real-life press coverage of your next big offer (seriously, journalists LOVE this!)...
The ‘52 Weekly Emails’ – these are non-salesy, value emails you can send to your prospects to keep them warm and stay top of mind... and you have a whole YEARS worth in The Game Changer...
The ‘News-Jacker’ template – a templated, fill-in-the-blanks approach to taking advantage of current events to generate sales for your own business...
The ‘Most Peculiar’ campaign – this one is a little crazy, but if you trust it and send it out, the sales will come pouring in...
The ‘Surplus Stock’ campaign – whether you actually have surplus stock or not, this campaign will get people climbing hand over fist to buy from you...
The ‘Ethical Bribe’ campaign – the same campaign we’ve used to DOUBLE the number of people who became REPEAT customers...
The ‘Tombola’ campaign – the single MOST EFFECTIVE way to generate a steady stream of referrals flowing into your business...
I’ll assume your answers are the same as mine!
Invest in the Game Changer.
Use the content. It’s a genuine NO-BRAINER. |
The Game Changer is an online ‘portal’ full of marketing templates for you to download, sorted by GOAL (what you want to achieve). Want more referrals? Go to that section. Want meetings? Go to THAT section...
Decide what you want to achieve and go to that section.
Choose one of the templates, and download it.
Amend the template to suit your business by filling in the blanks.
Send it!
The Game Changer removes almost ALL of the work. All of the doubt. All of the time wasted staring at a blank piece of paper. All of the second guessing yourself, trying to work out what you should be saying.
Watch the video walkthrough here:
Over £10,000 of direct sales
I sent the 'I Miss You' campaign from the Game Changer, had my assistant fill in the blanks and send the letters following the instructions and... over £10,000 of direct sales from just that one Game Changer campaign!
Deepak Oberai, Albert Road Opticians
It's a GOD SEND!
The Game Changer is a god send! When I’m stuck or don't know what to write I can just turn to the Game Changer and quickly create quality marketing that I know is going to work – fab product!
Hilary Carden, Cardens
These templates haven’t been plucked from thin air.
They have been tested in dozens of markets, industries and niches.
They work for:
Are the same templates we’ve used to sell over £70,000,000 worth of products and services!
So whether you’re a ‘kitchen table’ start up or a multi-million pound enterprise – these templates will work for you
Worth every single penny!
The Game Changer is sooo useful, the sheer amount of emails you get with the product is fantastic, and every single email is content-rich (the dream!). It’s worth every single penny, and I’d absolutely recommend it to anyone!
Perry Preston, P J Preston
You know the correct answer:
Nothing, zero, nada, zilch – because if it does cost you, it means you invested in a proven system that would get you results, sales and customers...
...and then did nothing with it!
That’s the only conceivable way that The Game Changer could cost you money.
If you fear that then by all means, skip it. Sit this one out.
Stop reading now.
I’ll be honest. I’m sharing what is effectively my life’s work with you here.
Fifteen years, nine, separate, million pound+ businesses, 16,458 hours of study...
...they’ve all led to this.
A half-decent marketing agency will charge you a couple of grand just for a single multi-step email campaign (and it won’t be proven or tested!).
And when you look at everything in The Game Changer, the emails, the letters, the guides...
...the TIME SAVING it’s going to give you when you can just pick a campaign, amend it and send it.
It’s worth literally tens of thousands of pounds.
You can get LIFETIME ACCESS to The Game Changer today and unlock all of my templates for just £697 + VAT. That’s more than 50% OFF.
Or, if you prefer you can make three monthly instalments of £297 + VAT each.
(Can you honestly conceive of not getting your investment back – and lots more - when you implement just one or two of the sixty+ campaigns inside?)
It's revolutionised my business...
We've implemented several emails in the Game Changer and got some excellent results, but by far, the most impactful section is the one all about Google My Business. There's so much you can do with it that we had no clue about, it's completely revolutionised my business...
Andrew Stirrat, Vintec Laboratories
I want to be CERTAIN that everyone who invests in The Game Changer gets a great return on their investment.
Which is why, as well as all of my marketing templates, when you invest in The Game Changer today you’ll also get these FIVE Special Bonuses:
Bonus #1
3 Quick Wins.
These are three incredibly simple, yet devastatingly effective, campaigns and initiatives that you’ll be able to implement on Day ONE to bring in a flurry of new sales or enquiries or additional money into your business.
For many businesses implementation of any one of these three Quick Wins will generate more than enough sales and gross profit to cover their Game Changer investment many times over...
Bonus #2
Get Joint Ventures and Partnerships
One of the fastest (and easiest) ways to get a LOT of new customers is to partner up with another business who has the same target customers as you.
But asking another business owner if you can sell to their customers or prospects is NOT an easy task...
...until now!
We have templated your approach to almost guarantee success. This strategy is amazing. You’ll love it.
Bonus #3
FREE Campaign Critique
This is a ‘Money-Can’t-Buy’ Bonus, only for business owners who invest in The Game Changer now in this pre-launch window:
You can send me any piece (or campaign) of marketing and I’ll personally critique it and make it better for you.
It is possible that in some instances the exact scenario or opportunity you’re facing isn’t covered specifically by one of the 60+ templates and campaigns in the Game Changer but if that is the case – don’t worry. You can either pick the most appropriate template, tweak and change it and then send it to me for review, OR, if you prefer, you can craft something from scratch and ping it to me.
Either way, I’ll help make sure it’s in the best possible shape to get you the results you need.
Bonus #4
LinkedIn Tutorial
For B2B businesses LinkedIn offers a lucrative source of new customers – providing you know how to use it and present yourself properly - which, sadly, too few business owners do.
Which is why I’ve included a one hour tutorial, recorded at a recent Entrepreneurs Circle National Event which talks you through exactly how to get LinkedIn working effectively for you.
Invest in the Game Changer.
Use the content. It’s a genuine NO-BRAINER. |
Don’t I have this already as an EC Member?
No. The Game Changer is a brand new, completely separate product. It’s likely if you’ve been around the Entrepreneurs Circle for a while you’ll be familiar with one or two of the templates (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!) but the vast majority of The Game Changer is never before seen templates.
Is there a way to pay in instalments?
Of course. You can pay in three monthly instalments of just £297 +VAT. Just check the instalments option when checking out.
(The instalments option is great because by the time the second instalment is due – you should have already made enough new sales to pay for it by using the templates!)
Will this work for MY business?
Almost certainly, yes. These templates have been proven to work in B2B and B2C markets selling both products and services.
In fact... we’re yet to find a business which can’t use The Game Changer!
How long will it take to see results?
In short... however long it will take for you to send out one or two of the campaigns.
PLUS, there are THREE quick wins designed to generate an immediate flurry of sales from day one!
Are there any recurring payments?
No. The Game Changer is a stand alone product. There’s no recurring payments, no contract, no membership. Just a one off payment of £697 +VAT or three instalments of £297 +VAT.
Will this work for me and my LeadCycle leads?
Yes! In many ways The Game Changer goes hand in hand with LeadCycle – one gets you the leads, and the other templates ALL of your follow up so that you can convert them.
I’d go so far as to say it should be mandatory for all LeadCycle clients to have and use (because you’ll convert more of your leads and make more sales!)
Are the templates JUST emails?
Absolutely not. Lots of the templates work as emails OR as direct mail pieces (you can choose) but there are also templated Facebook Ads, Google AdWords campaigns, LinkedIn messages and more!
Will this work for me, even without a ‘list’?
Yes – even if you don’t have a big list of people to send emails to yet, we have templates that will build one for you!
There are fill-in-the-blank templates for every stage of a customers life from awareness all the way to getting them to buy from you again and again.
What if it doesn’t work?
In the unlikely event that you send some of the templates and don't get back in meetings or sales more than four times your investment we'll refund your money under our Game Changer (more than) Double Your Money Guarantee!
How long do I have access to The Game Changer?
For ever! As long as the world wide web is operational you’ll have lifetime access to The Game Changer – for just £697 +VAT!
What if I have questions?
We’re happy to help – you can email us at any time at: [email protected] and the team will give you a helping hand with whatever you need.
PLUS, don’t forget that Marketing Critique voucher from Nigel!